Monday, December 31, 2012

BAMBI Coloring Contest

March 03, 1997.  A BAMBI coloring contest.  10 winners received a video of the movie.

CORISSIA and Her New Year Wardrobe

December 31, 1916.  Sweet Corissia has a new wardrobe to wear in the new year.

The Man From Brazil

September 01, 1901.  Let's all kick-up our heels with the old man from Brazil.  Happy New Year!


January 27, 1901.  The COMPLETE HOUSE series continues with #3 - The Dining Room.  I like the claw-foot furniture.

Friday, December 28, 2012

DIANA, A Young Girl Paper Doll

January 07, 1917.  Here is DIANA with a dress for school and a dress for church.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to Everyone!

December 28, 1976.  A HAPPY NEW YEAR coloring contest.


February 03, 1901.  THE COMPLETE HOUSE; 4 - THE KITCHEN.  A wonderful newspaper cut-out series of a complete house of a well-to-do family in 1901.  This is #4 in the series, the Kitchen.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Billy Cut-Out Shows 'Em How to Skate

January 13, 1924.  BILLY CUT-OUT is ready for winter fun.


December 25, 1977.  "All Sales Are Not Final . . ."  A rather funny AFTER CHRISTMAS Coloring Contest.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BIRDS For Your Tree

 December 23, 1978.  "There is a legend that on the first Christmas the birds of the forest came to worship at the manger.  From that time, a bird on the Christmas tree has come to mean happiness at home.  On this Christmas Eve we bring you some of Manitoba's own Winter Birds, for your family to cut and color and paste, and hang on your own Christmas tree tomorrow night!  May our Christmas birds be a symbol of joy in your home throughout this festive season."

Candy Canes and Presents!

December 12, 1985.  I have always liked candy canes on a Christmas tree.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

FASHION FANNY Looks Over Her Holiday Clothes

December 03, 1922.  FASHION FANNY Looks Over Her Holiday Clothes.  The Paper Doll that sets the styles.  A cut-out for girls of all ages.  By Winifred H. Goodrell.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa and Mrs. Claus Paper Dolls from Fabric

 Here is what the uncut fabric looks like.

1994.  Santa and Mrs. Claus paper dolls printed on cotton fabric.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vintage CHRISTMAS Cards

I posted three other cards from this series last year.  I don't remember if I bought them at a garage sale or a thrift store.  I think the cards are really cute.

Baby Bear Paper Doll Fabric

1990's.  A piece of flannel fabric printed with a baby bear paper doll.   Here is the baby bear paper doll and her wardrobe cut out from the fabric.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


December 14, 1929.  HOLLY AND MISTLETOE from the "Susie May" coloring page.  Here are Susie May and Teddy gathering holly and mistletoe for Christmas decorating.  The Susie May coloring page appeared in newspapers over many decades.

BOOTS as Santa!

 December 18, 1938.  A BOOTS paper doll and her Christmas wardrobe.

December 25, 1938.  The Professor is not the only one that gets to play Santa!  Many thanks to Edgar Martin.

The Professor is Ready For Christmas

 December 22, 1940.

December 17, 1939.  Have fun with the PROFESSOR as he prepares for Christmas.  I wonder how many of those packages are for BOOTS?  Many thanks to Edgar Martin, the creator of  "BOOTS".

Thursday, December 6, 2012

1916 Newspaper Paper Doll

November 26, 1916.  A pretty lass and her pretty dresses.

The JETSONS Holiday Special

December 10, 1988.  A coloring contest to win tickets to the Ice Show "THE JETSONS Holiday Special".  George Jetson, his dog Astro and Fred Flintstone flying around town together - gotta love it.  By Hanna-Barbera, of course.

Skating Doll and Wardrobe

January 01, 1957.  SKATING DOLL AND WARDROBE.  Another newspaper paper doll by Emma McKean.


 1981.  A Tribute to Piggly Wiggly by paper doll artist Emma Terry.  This paper doll appeared in The Original Paper Doll Artists newsletter.  Thanks mom.

October 27, 1960.  I Like!!!  I could not wait until next Halloween to put this mask on my blog.  This has to be one of my favorite finds in the newspaper archives.  A PIGGLY WIGGLY Halloween mask from a store ad in an Iowan newspaper.  I will be donning my Piggly Wiggly mask and I hope you will too.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

ELMERLOU the Paper Doll

October 29, 1922.  Here is a cute little paper doll named Elmerlou.  She is very proud of her hats.


January 19, 1959.  RED RIDING HOOD Cut-Out Doll by Emma McKean.  Her paper dolls appeared in newspapers for many decades.


March 10, 1928.  Children of 1928 probably had lots of fun cutting these soldiers out of the newspaper.


November 26, 1991.  "John Deere toys make the holidays magical".  Newspaper coloring contest

Monday, December 3, 2012

JOY, The White House Lamb

December 10, 1976.  A sweet Christmas coloring contest featuring JOY, the White House lamb.

Barn Yard Pets from A. W. Nugent

December 09, 1934.  "Six cut-out barn yard pets.  First color the pictures with your water colors or colored crayons.  You will then be ready to cut out the animals.  Do not detach the base strips.  When the figures are carefully cut out crease the base strips backward on the dotted lines and hook the slits over each other to make them stand."  I love A. W. Nugent cut-outs.  I have many on my old blog.

White House Christmas Card 2005

Christmas 2005.  A Christmas card from President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush.  The card is titled "The Jackson Magnolia" with Barney, Miss Beazley, and India Bush by Jamie Wyeth.  The White House cards I received are some of my treasures.

Best wishes to former President George H. W. Bush.  He has been in the hospital here in Houston.  Wishes for Good Health, Strength and Joy.

Jack Cut-Out at Christmas

December 23, 1923.  Jack Cut-Out prepares for the Christmas Play, from the Betty Cut-Out series.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Coloring Contest

December 17, 1995.  A newspaper coloring contest for Christmas.