Saturday, August 31, 2013

Daily "BOOTS"

July 22, 1945.  BOOTS at the U. S. Open.

Military Cutouts - SERBIANS Laying and Hiding A Field Phone Under Fire

September 05, 1915.  SERBIANS Laying and Hiding A Field Phone Under Fire.  Another glimpse of military activities that went on during World War I.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cunning Cut-Out for Dog Days

August 14, 1932.  A little dog paper doll by Anna May Dunn of Rupert, Idaho.  A young member of the S. L. T. Junior club.

"It's Dogged As Does It."

September 18, 1903.  It's Dogged As Does It by illustrator Louis Wain. ---Tim Tobby was not very wise, He thought, "Oh, I can't win a prize!"  But he stuck to his book, And such trouble he took, That he did, to his joy and surprise.  From Louis Wain's Baby's Picture-Book.

Military Cutouts - BELGIAN Dog-Drawn Machine Gun

August 22, 1915.  BELGIAN Dog-Drawn Machine Gun - These dogs really earned their kibble!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Military Cutouts - No. 8 AUSTRIAN

May 09, 1915.  The Great War Military Cut-Outs, No. 8 AUSTRIAN.

Monday, August 26, 2013

WALLACE, A Handsome Paper Doll

March 14, 1915.  WALLACE is a very handsome paper doll indeed!  He likes to play with his military cut-outs and his favorite subject in school is history.

Military Cutouts - RUSSIAN Artillery, The Great War

February 21, 1915.  I really like military cut-outs and this series of scenes from World War I is from The Boston Globe.  This is No. 5 - RUSSIAN Artillery.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kathy and Her Curls

March 03, 1955.  "Kathy is going to a party.  You can help her get ready by curling her hair."  A newspaper cut-out from Junior Editors.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sister's Cut-Outs

 February 24, 1935.
February 10, 1935.  A couple of Sister's Paper Doll Cut-Outs from the comic strip.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Daily "BOOTS"

November 18, 1934.  BOOTS and her very long slip.

SPENCE Paper Doll

November 11, 1934.  Here is SPENCE hopping mad as usual.  He and BOOTS have been involved in many misadventures.  Many thanks to Edgar Martin.

More Fun With AUNT ELSIE

 January 11, 1926.   THE TOYS and "Aunt Elsie's" POP BOOK.  POP stands for "Purveyors of Pleasantness".

 The figures of the King, the Drummer, the Fiddler and the Cook cut out from the above page.
February 22, 1920.  The AUNT ELSIE Club Girl Dolly.  Another cute Aunt Elsie paper doll.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

NAN as "Old Mother Goose"

June 25, 1933.  How do you like NAN as "Old Mother Goose"?  From GIRLS by Edgar Martin.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dick Van Dyke

April 07, 1965.  Thank GOD for the man that pulled Dick Van Dyke from his burning car!  Here is a coloring contest for Mary Poppins - I posted this a couple of years ago on my old blog.  Try to stay safe Mr. Van Dyke, please.

Daily "BOOTS"

July 30, 1944.  Cast your vote for BOOTS on Miss Missy Paper Dolls Blog for favorite comic strip paper doll in her new survey.  Who else has such a fun cast of characters as BOOTS!  Besides BOOTS herself there is Babe, Horace, Cora, the Professor, Spence, Mervie, Ferd, Pug, Bootkins and many more wacky friends of BOOTS that appear as paper dolls in the comic strip.

RENIE the Paper Doll Returns

April 06, 1919.  Here is RENIE with her new mother goose dress.

Little ESTELLE Paper Doll

April 25, 1915.  Here is ESTELLE with her outfit for her first day of school.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Marjorie Paper Doll

December 11, 1926.  Marjorie Visits ANNABELLE.  A cute Marjorie paper doll from the Annabelle newspaper series.

Gen. George Armstrong Custer

August 20, 1899.  "Gen. George Armstrong Custer was a gallant soldier, who won distinction in several campaigns of the Civil War.  After Lee's surrender he was made a brevet major general of volunteers, and was conspicuous in the west as an Indian fighter.  His last fight was against the hostile Sioux in June, 1876.  At that time he was lieutenant colonel in command of the 7th Cavalry, and was sent by Gen. Terry against a band of Indians in the Little Big Horn valley in the Yellowstone park country.  On June 25th, the day before Gen. Terry and Col. Gibbons had appointed to arrive, Custer ordered an attack.  He had divided his command into three parallel columns, under Capt. Benteen, Major Reno and himself.  Capt. McDougall was left to guard the pack train.  Reno was first over the Little Big Horn and was defeated, retreating across the river, where he was joined by Benteen and McDougall.  Custer had proceeded in a more northerly direction, crossed the river, and was surrounded and every one of his command killed.  With Custer fell his brother Thomas, 12 officers, 247 enlisted men, three Indian scouts and several civilians."  Another terrific HISTORY DOLL - I have several on my old blog.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Daily "BOOTS"

October 03, 1965.  Here is BOOTS still looking good in 1965.  For some reason there are no tabs on most of the 1965 paper doll clothes for BOOTS - just an oversight I guess.

NAN as a Little Bo Peep Paper Doll

 March 26, 1933.  NAN, a friend of BOOTS, as Little Bo Peep.

Little Boy Blue Paper Doll

April 10, 1937.  Little Boy Blue paper doll by Addie Woodruff from MODERN MOTHER GOOSE CUT-OUTS series.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Willie and Ferd Paper Dolls

July 01, 1934.  Poor Willie and Ferd!  BOOTS and the girls were just hanging around bored when Willie and Ferd came up with a bright idea to amuse all the girls - fireworks.  Needless to say, the boys had no clue about the proper handling of fireworks and EVERYONE ended up in bandages.

1916 Paper Doll

August 06, 1916.  Do you like Tilda's new dresses?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Daily "BOOTS"

 June 10, 1934.  BOOTS is going to the Hop.  Use your crayons to help her get ready.
 May 27, 1934.  BOOTS and BABE had gone skinny-dipping with comical results.  BOOTS is very glad to have some clothes again.
June 24, 1934.  Never know what BOOTS and BABE are going to get up to!

JEANNE of France, A Lovely Paper Doll

October 19, 1912.  JEANNE of France from Cut-Outs For Children newspaper series.