Sunday, August 31, 2014


March 02, 1989.  A St. Patrick's Day coloring contest featuring POPEYE.

POPEYE The Movie starring Robin Williams

1980.  A movie card for POPEYE starring Robin Williams.  Another local radio station movie premiere that I won tickets to attend when I was a teenager.  Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall were really good as Popeye and Olive Oyl.  The movie received terrible reviews but we had a good time that night being with the crowd and the DJs from the radio station.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

MOPSY Comic Strip Paper Dolls from November 1958.

November 1958.  A couple of more MOPSY comic strip paper dolls.  I like the dress with the little bow in the back.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ROSEMARY and Dancing Doll from Aunt Elsie.

 July 04, 1920.  ROSEMARY paper doll by Aunt Elsie.

September 05, 1920.  A Dancing Doll from Aunt Elsie.  "MERRY MAKINGS.  We're taking a short, giggly rest before we go on with our old fashioned paper dolls, for of course we can't be old fashioned ALL the time.  Today we have something quite new -- a real dancing doll.  When you have pasted the parts carefully on cardboard, cut them out, jointed them and arranged on strings, she will be graceful enough to belong to the Russian Ballet.  The drawing shows plainly how she should be put together.  Connect the joints with small paper fasteners or bits of wire twisted, or cord knotted at both ends so that the ends will not pull through the cardboard.  The dresses may be colored and arranged on her in the usual way and they are so designed that no matter how she prances or kicks, she will always stay inside her clothes, which is a most convenient thing for a dancer to do when dancing!  There is a new idea even in the dresses.  Designs A and B may be arranged with tissue paper in such a way that they'll look like regular stage costumes.  They are both merely the upper parts of the dresses.  For A, cut a strip of tissue paper wide enough to reach from your dancer's waist to her knees, and long enough to pleat into a fluffy skirt.  Pleat and paste to the back of the dress -- making a costume like the one shown in the tiny sketch.  A similar plan is followed with B, which is a hula hula costume.  In B, do not pleat your paper but cut the brown or green paper into a deep fringe so that it will look like the Hawaiian's grass skirt."

Sunday, August 24, 2014

MOPSY Paper Dolls from December 1958.

December 1958.  MOPSY always makes an interesting looking paper doll.

Friday, August 22, 2014

OLGA & OSCAR OWL Paper Dolls by Aunt Elsie

September 17, 1922.  OLGA & OSCAR OWL paper dolls with their colonial costumes.  OSCAR does not look happy about having to wear a frilly suit of clothes.  I originally posted this on my old blog but I found it in another newspaper and it was a better version.  By Aunt Elsie, of course!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Aladdin's Lamp Paper Doll Cut-Outs from 1925

 June 1925.  Here is Aladdin and his wardrobe.  Another paper doll series from COLOR CUTOUTS.
 June 1925.  Here is Aladdin's mother.  She has two outfits.
 June 1925.  Here is the Evil Magician and his beggar costume.  The Sultan has a hunting outfit.
 June 1925.  The Wonderful Genie and the Horrible Ring Genie.
June 1925.  The lovely Princess has three lovely outfits.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

BOOTS Paper Doll from Spring 1937.

April thru May 1937.  Here is BOOTS and her spring wardrobe from 1937.  Enjoy!

Saturday, August 16, 2014


December 10, 1922.  Here she is, the lovely Mrs. Captain Kidd and some pirate loot.  Mrs. Kidd would like you to color the emeralds, rubies and pearls in her treasure chest and then color her stacks of coins gold and silver.  What color will you make her pirate damsel costume?  Hope you enjoy this newspaper doll cut-out.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

NAN and Some Togs For Summer

July 1932.  A very pretty NAN paper doll and some of her new summer clothing.  Now she is ready to hit the beach with her friend BOOTS.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Queen of Hearts Cut-Outs from 1925.

March 1925.  "The Queen of Hearts, She made some tarts, All on a summer's day."  "The Knave of Hearts, He stole the tarts, And took them clean away."  "The King of Hearts, Called for the tarts, And beat the Knave full sore."  QUEEN OF HEARTS cut-outs from the Color & Cut Out newspaper series.  Here are paper dolls of the Queen, the Knave and the King.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Now You Can Dress "BOOTS"

 March 1932.  A very pretty BOOTS paper doll that appeared in newspapers in late March of 1932.
How do you like BOOTS' turban?  It is the latest rage in fashion!  Have fun coloring and cutting out BOOTS and her up-to-the-minute fashions.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Little BO PEEP Cut-Out

November 05, 1922.  Little BO PEEP cut-out from the Wichita Daily Times.  Cut-outs are of  "Little BO PEEP fell fast asleep." and "Leave them alone and they'll come home." and "She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed.  For they left their tails behind them." and "And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, To tack to each sheep it's tail, O!"  The BO PEEP picking flowers and leaving the sheep alone has a hat, apron and a pair of shoes.  The BO PEEP crying over their lost tails has the hat at the top of the page.  The BO PEEP trying to paste the tail on the sheep has a bonnet.  The five sheep have five tails to be pasted on.  And BO PEEP's doll is glad she does not have to tend to sheep.  I think this cut-out originally appeared in Ladies Home Journal and then some newspapers reproduced it.

Friday, August 1, 2014

BOYS AND GIRLS THE WORLD OVER Series - Abyssinia, or Ethiopia

 October 28, 1934.  A cut-out boy and girl from Abyssinia, or Ethiopia, from the BOYS AND GIRLS THE WORLD OVER series from High Lights of History by J. Carroll Mansfield.

ETTA MAE Paper Doll Returns

July 29, 1917.  ETTA MAE returns with new dresses, new hats and a new purse.  She made her first appearance on my old blog.  Gotta love her purse!