Wednesday, August 19, 2015

STAR TREK Paper Dolls by Tom Tierney.

 1995.  Collector's Edition TV Guide.  STAR TREK.  Spring 1995.  I decided to separate out the paper dolls from the article I posted earlier on this blog.  Here are four costumes for female characters that appeared in STAR TREK and later versions of the show.  There are four more costumes that I will post soon.  I will also post the male characters.  Tom Tierney created a base paper doll to use for all the female characters.  Also, I am not sure if costumes were printed to actually fit on the doll.  Above is an original Uhura uniform with hair for Uhura and Yeoman Rand.
 "The Menagerie".  The Orion Slave Woman's Tunic.
 A 'TNG' uniform for Deanna Troi.
The Greek Gown from "Who Mourns for Adonais?".

Monday, July 27, 2015

BOOTS Likes Polka Dots and Stripes.

 July 25, 1948.  These two dresses would only look good on a paper doll, especially BOOTS.
September 26, 1948.  BOOTS as Daisy Mae?  Need her husband Rod as a paper doll with a Lil' Abner costume.  The polka dot dress is actually kind of cute.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Some BOOTS Paper Dolls from 1946.

 January 20, 1946.
 January 13, 1946.
 August 25, 1946.
September 08, 1946.  I thought it was time to post more BOOTS Paper Dolls.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ted Menten BEARS.

 1983.  Gotta love HUG the Teddy Bear as a paper doll.
 1983.  A fun Teddy Bear Jumping Jack.
1983.  A cute Teddy Bear picture to color.  All these images are from The Teddy Bear Lovers Catalog by Ted Menten.  1983.  A Delilah Book.  A very nice book with good photos & information and lots of fun extras like these three bears.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ah-Sing's Little Sister as a Paper Doll from Betty Cut-Out series.

September 22 - 24, 1924.  Billy and Betty Cut-Out get to meet Ah-Sing's little sister.  She is a very pretty paper doll.  Little Sister has presents for Billy and Betty.  A kite for Billy and a paper lantern for Betty.  NOTE:  Little Sister's best dress is a smidgen too small in places so cut it out a bit larger than it actual is.

AH-SING Paper Doll from Betty Cut-Out series.

September 18 - 20, 1924.  AH-SING is a little boy from China.  He and his family have moved to America and AH-SING now goes to school with Billy and Betty Cut-Out.  Billy liked looking at all the items from China in AH-SING's home, such as the chopsticks, the fan, the parasol and the blue & white bowls.

Friday, July 10, 2015


April 15 - April 19, 1924.  BETTY herself makes an appearance as a paper doll.  I really like her parasol.

HENRY Paper Doll from Betty Cut-Out Series, 1924.

April 21 - 23, 1924.  Here is Henry paper doll, Betty Cut-Out's little red-headed friend.  Henry has two costumes for the May Day celebrations.  He gets to be the flower court jester and in the dance of the flowers he gets to be a leaf.  This paper doll goes with the Thelma and Lillian paper dolls posted earlier.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ollie and Joann 1917 Paper Dolls.

 May 13, 1917.  This is Olivia but her friends call her Ollie.  She is a sweet paper doll.
May 27, 1917.  Joann paper doll returns with an all new wardrobe.  Have fun!

Friday, July 3, 2015

MOPSY Paper Doll and Her New Clothes.

August 02, 1959.  MOPSY paper doll from comic strip.

Scuba Boy and Beach Girl Cut-Outs.

Everybody have fun this weekend and remember the sunscreen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

KITTENS Paper Dolls, 1933.

February 26, 1933.  KITTENS, KItty & Tom, appeared as paper dolls in the Sunday comic strip, "Dolly Dimple and Billy Bounce".  The only newspaper I could find this paper doll in was so dark that I had to do a complete makeover on the paper dolls.  Tom Kitten was suppose to have a coat but it was just a solid black image so I removed it from the page and I had to redo Kitty Kitten's coat and dress.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

CHRIS SQUIRE with YES in Concert.

 Some of my YES tickets from 1977, 1978 & 1979.  Good, good, times!!!
 Alan White on drums, Rick Wakeman on keyboards and CHRIS SQUIRE on bass.
 CHRIS SQUIRE.  I can remember that suit just like it was yesterday.
 Steve Howe on guitar, Alan White on drums, Jon Anderson vocals, Rick Wakeman on keyboards and CHRIS SQUIRE on bass.
CHRIS SQUIRE and Rick Wakeman.

CHRIS SQUIRE has passed away from a rare form of leukemia.  So many great memories of going to YES concerts, and of listening to YES albums with my brothers in their red room.  Blessings to the Squire family.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

MISS AMERICA Paper Doll, 1990.

 1990.  Miss America.  Deluxe paper doll.  A Golden Book.  Here are the bonus pages of clothing to color that are included in the Deluxe edition of this paper doll book.  The book also has 6 pages of clothes in color.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

JOHN PAUL JONES Doll Cut-Out from 1899.

June 18, 1899.  BRAVE PAUL JONES.  The First Naval Hero of America.  John Paul Jones, who won the first naval battle for the young republic, was born in Kirkbean, Scotland, July 6, 1747, and died at Paris, July 18, 1792.  He was the son of John Paul, a gardener.  The name Jones he assumed about 1773.  John Paul went to sea at 12, was a mate at 18, and a master a year later.  He was appointed senior first lieutenant by Congress in 1775, when the American navy was started.  After short commands on the small war sloops Alfred and Providence, he took command of the Ranger, which was built at Kittery, ME., and which was the first vessel to fly the stars and stripes.  He sailed for Europe in November 1777, took various pri-es, and captured the British man of war Drake, which lost 42 men, including the captain.  In 1779, Jones changed his flag to the Bon Homme Richard, and with three other vessels, he fought a number of engagements against the English.  For one victory, that with the Serapis and a British fleet, he received a gold sword from the king of France and the thanks of the American congress.

An appropriate History Doll for upcoming Independence Day celebrations..

DIXIE DUGAN and Her Vacation Clothes.

May 11, 1941.  This Dixie Dugan paper doll is ready for some fun in her new vacation wardrobe.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Paper POLLYKIN and Her Pets.

November 26, 1922.  Paper POLLYKIN and Her Pets.  POLLYKIN went into the woodlands to see what progress Mother Nature was making with her children's new fur coats.  POLLYKIN found that she had almost finished them and that their winter garments became the little creatures immensely.  Billy Brighteyes, Bobbity Bobtail and several of his children, and even Tip Tail Fox looked just fine.  Tip Tail's pelt was thick.  It looked brushed, his ear tassels were well shaken out and the tip end of his tail was snowy white.

Much as she hated to, Polly admitted that Tip Tail was a beautiful animal.  "But only to look at.  Inside, the nature of him, is not beautiful, not a bit!" said POLLYKIN emphatically.

Paper POLLYKIN surrounded by some paper pets makes an attractive toy.  Billy Brighteyes is on her shoulder.  Though Mother Nature has grown his coat thick and warm, nothing will replace the end of his tail which Tip Tail bit off when Billy Brighteyes was a wee but clever youngster.  Bobbity Bobtail and some of his many children cluster around POLLYKIN for protection against Mr. Tip Tail Fox, who stays at a safe distance licking his lips and awaiting the time when POLLYKIN shall go home.  And then - who knows? -------By Marjorie Morton.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


 March 27, 1904.  The Russo - Japanese War developed out of a rivalry between Russia and Japan for dominance in Korea and Manchuria.  The war began on February 08, 1904, when the main Japanese fleet launched a surprise attack and siege on the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur. In August and September 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt served as mediator at a peace conference in Portsmouth, N.H. resulting in the Treaty of Portsmouth.
April 03, 1904.  Newspaper cut-outs of Russian and Japanese soldiers and navy ships.  The war started in Feb. of 1904 and the cut-outs started in the newspaper in March of 1904 - current events of that time.

Monday, June 15, 2015

EDITH ANNE, a newspaper paper doll from 1899.

 October 1899.  A newspaper paper doll that I cleaned up the best I could.  She had no name so I have named her Edith Anne.  Cut slits B to fit tabs A.
Until I get my new glasses I can not see well enough to color.  I tried coloring her but even I can see what a bad job I was doing.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

FREDRIC MARCH Paper Doll by Tom Tierney.

1974.  FREDRIC MARCH paper doll from the book "Thirty from the 30's, Costumes of the Great Stars" by Tom Tierney.  Shown are costumes from "The Sign of the Cross" and "The Affairs of Cellini".  The book has three more costumes for Fredric March.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Log Church of the TETONS Postcard.

The Church of the Transfiguration, Teton National Park.  Post Card by Crandall.  From my garage sale scrapbook.

My cousin George had heart transplant surgery on Monday and he is already in a private room and doing really good.  It still boggles my mind that a medical team can remove your heart and replace it with a donor heart. So many prayers went out this week - and those prayers were answered.

Dixie Dugan's Dad as a Paper Doll.

June 18, 1939.  Here is Dixie Dugan's dad as a paper doll for Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

LILLIAN Paper Doll from Betty Cut-Out Series.

April 29, May 2, May 3 & May 5, 1924.  LILLIAN paper doll takes her turn in the Betty Cut-Out series May Day Pageant.  She wears her rose costume in the dance of the flowers and LILLIAN was chosen as Queen of the May.  The last dress she wore to entertain friends at her home.

THELMA Paper Doll from Betty Cut-Out Series.

April 24, 25 & 26, 1924.  I hope you like THELMA paper doll as much as I do.  The Betty Cut-Out paper dolls were having a May Day Pageant and THELMA had a dance solo in her butterfly costume.  She then participated in the dance of the flowers wearing her black-eyed Susan costume.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Coloring Contest for the New Sci-Fi TV Series, "STAR TREK", 1966.

September 1966.  "COLOR ME IN SPACE!  Meet William Shatner as captain of the U. S. S. Enterprise, a cruiser-si-e space ship, to be seen in the new NBC-TV series titled STAR TREK, in color.  Co-stars in this series include Leonard Nimoy and Paul Fix."

Okay Trekkies,  I thought I knew the names of all the major players in STAR TREK, but who is Paul Fix?  I watched STAR TREK all the time when I was a child but do not remember an actor by the name of Paul Fix being on the show.

Friday, May 29, 2015

SUPERGIRL Paper Doll by Tom Tierney.

1984.  SUPERGIRL Cut-Out Paper Doll Book by Tom Tierney.  Grosset & Dunlap, New York.  A very pretty Supergirl paper doll based on the movie.  In my head as I post this I can hear Barbra Streisand singing her Superman song.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Baby's Hungry!" Paper Doll Book, 1968.

 1968.  "Baby's Hungry!" Paper Doll Book.  Whitman Publishing Division.  Western Publishing Company.   Another of my childhood paper dolls.  I did not play with this paper doll very often (see, no tape on her) because she was so much bigger than my other paper dolls.  This paper doll was based on an actual doll from Mattel.