Tuesday, January 31, 2017

BRENDA' s Gowns For A Summer Romance.

August 31, 1941.  A BRENDA STARR paper doll with her flower dresses.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Spring Costumes for Miss Paper Doll.

April 26, 1908.  I copied this paper doll in black & white and in color.  The color one shows more detail but the b&w copy is cleaner.  This paper doll has a boyfriend that I found in 2 different newspapers but neither paper doll was clear enough to copy.  I hope you enjoy "Spring Costumes for Miss Paper Doll".

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Just a Girl and her Platform Shoes, 1973.

September 2, 1973.  This paper doll was drawn by Jackie DeRosa and was used in a newspaper article about how colorful Fall fashions were going to be that year.  The article said to color this paper doll's clothing in bright colors.  I was a preteen in 1973 and if the Houston Post had printed this doll I would have had my crayolas and scissors in hand.  This paper doll, like the teenagers and young women I knew in the 1970's, is funny, zany and, refreshingly, nary a profane word drops from her lips.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

BRENDA STARR Comic Strip Paper Dolls.

 July 20, 1941.  Brenda in her powder room..
July 13, 1941.  Daphne selects a masquerade costume.

Two paper dolls from the BRENDA STARR comic strip by Dale Messick.  I was very happy to find such clean copies in the newspaper.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

DOTTY DIMPLE by Dan Rudolph.

March 11, 1923.  Here is Dotty Dimple, a paper doll by Dan Rudolph.

I don't like to use my blog to talk politics but I do have something I have to say.  If you have followed my blogs, Mostly Paper Dolls and Mostly Paper Dolls Too, then you would probably know that I am a conservative Republican.  I am so tired of nasty celebrities and nasty liberals, especially women, calling decent people like me all kinds of horrible names.  Talk about a bunch of bullies.  I never voted for Bill or Barack  but when they were elected I accepted each as president and prayed for them and for the Country I love.  These people need to quit acting like spoiled children.  GOD Bless America and GOD Bless President Trump.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Chinese Maiden Paper Doll.

February 16, 1930.  A lovely paper doll named Ming Toy.  She should be fun to color.

Chinese Girl Paper Doll by Laura Brock.

January 19, 1930.  A paper doll titled Mysterious China by Laura Brock.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Florida Doll.

February 23, 1930.  The Florida Doll, a fashionable paper doll.

LILA LEE Paper Dolls by Laura Brock.

 June 30, 1929.
August 4, 1929.  Three cute Lila Lee paper dolls by Laura Brock.

BILLY Cut-Up Paper Doll

February 9, 1930.  Billy, a little boy paper doll that just wants to have fun.  How do you like the snow-dog he made.  He is a happy boy today.